This website is provided, designed, and programmed by
ELO Mobility GmbH
c/o The Drivery
Mariendorfer Damm 1
12099 Berlin
Phone: (+49 30) 555 70 194
Legal Form: GmbH (Gesellschaftsform)
CEO: Dr. Henning Heppner (Geschäftsführer)
Court of registry: Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg (Registergericht)
Company established: 06.06.2018 (Datum der Firmengründung)
Company registration number: HRB 199508 (Handelsregister Nummer)
Sales tax ID according to §27a German VAT law: DE 815787951 (Umsatzsteuer ID)
German tax number: 29 /276/30175 (Steuernummer)
Tax office: Finanzamt für Körperschaften III (zuständiges Finanzamt)
Tax office number: 1129 (Bundeseinheitliche Finanzamtnummer)
EORI No.: DE 913 523 157 656 986 (EORI Nummer)
D-U-N-S No.: 31-511-1747 (D-U-N-S Nummer)
DHL Express Import No.: 950112310 (DHL Express Import Nummer)
Copyright 2021 by ELO Mobility GmbH. All rights reserved. All texts, pictures, graphics, audio, video and animation files as well as their arrangement are subject to copyright law and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They are neither to be copied for commercial purposes or for propagation nor altered and used for other websites without our prior written consent except for all brand assets that you can find on the page "Brand Assets" with the url https://elomobility.com/brand-assets-media-kit . On this page you will find the ELO Mobility Logos and style guides. ELO Mobility GmbH gives you permission to use our logos when writting about us or our services. Please send backlinks to your articles in which you mention us and other press inquiries to press@elomobility.com
Online Dispute Resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute settlement (ODR), available under the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/odr. We are legally not obligated and will in principle not agree to enter into a dispute settlement procedure before a consumer arbitration service.
Social Media
Hashtag #elomobility
Mention us with @elomobility
Username: @elomobility